Secure your rental home with tlyfe

Pre-qualify yourself to stand out from the crowd!

Give yourself the best chance of securing your next rental property by using our Pre-qualification tool to become a 'Rent Ready' tenant. Share your results with your Agent to put yourself ahead of the crowd!


Understand how much rent you can afford.

Give yourself the best chance of securing your next rental property and avoid disappointment by understanding how much you can afford and whether you might need a guarantor. Share the results with your agent to secure priority viewings!


You are required by law to prove your 'right-to-rent' in England.

Using our quick and easy to follow process you can validate your right to rent at the click of a button, taking away the risk and burden of manually taking important and personal documents to your agent!

ID verification

Verify your ID and share it securely with your Agent or Landlord.

Once you have your ID verified you can share your verified identity as many times as you like. You decide who sees this information, giving you complete control!

Pre-qualification reference

Validate that you are 'Rent Ready' and give yourself a head start in the rental process.

Before viewing properties, you can present your agent or landlord with evidence of your affordability and confirmation that you meet the criteria required to rent a property, all verified by our trusted partner!

Agent Search

Discover agents welcoming Rent Ready tenants by using the search bar below:

Download today!